Innovative Info Solutions is a team of professionals who are in the industry with dynamic idea and skill from 11 Years. We are into both E Communication and online Marketing solutions namely; Bulk SMS, and Business WhatsApp Services.
A Casual discussion at Tea table in 2012 Made us to reach here today. A cup of tea with friend on December 2012 lead to a discussion on business startup and it resulted to a services industry. Considering & forecasting the Digital generation Started on Digital Promotions & Communications entity on Bulk SMS & Bulk Voice on 4th Jan 2013.
We, Innovative Info Solutions is a team of professionals who are in the industry on digital domain. We are into both online marketing & E Communication solutions namely; Bulk SMSBusiness WhatsApp  services. Serving Kashmir to Kanyakumari, Govt Entity to general public. Though its SaaS module Our application is designed in such a way that its fit for all the industries.